4,219, 500, 56, 138 update


0, 0, 0, 115


Zero miles to go to get to Fairbanks.  Done that!


No birds remaining to get to 500 for the year!  Just made it.


No continuing education hours to go.  Made that too.


And still 115 counties in which to report a bird to have all 254 counties in Texas and fill in the map completely.


It wasn’t a goal to get all the counties recorded in Texas in 2019, we just highlighted it to track our progress.  Maybe we should set that as a goal for 2020; record at least one bird in every county in Texas, or at least get all the edge pieces.  Or we could do Colorado; that would be much easier; not nearly as many counties; only 64.


Arizona was so easy we’ve already done it!  Only 15 counties.


An interesting thing happened to our bird life-list while we were working on our year-list.  Our life-list got bigger.  In normal years, we add five or ten new life-birds to our list each year.  In 2019, by going after every bird we could get to make it to 500 for the year, we added 27 life-birds!


Here are the December lifers:



Home from all my trips.  That was a great adventure, but I don’t see traveling by myself again any time soon.  Judy is doing well; mostly over her shingles bumps and pain.  It’s back to Advil level.



Happy New Year!  We stayed up as late as we could!


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