We’re boarding the ferry from Victoria, BC to Anacortes, WA. It makes a stop along the way at Friday Harbor. Judy asked me to explain something. She said “What if cars want to get off and on at Friday Harbor?” I said “No problem. If any cars need to get off at Friday Harbor, they’ll just put them all in one row when they load them, so they can all get off when they need to.” She said “Yeah. But. What if any cars want to get on at the midway stopover?” “No problem, they can get on in the space where the other cars just left.” “Yeah, but they’ll all be facing the wrong direction on the boat!” Oh. Yeah. That could be a problem. But the answer was going to be easy to find out. All we had to do is wait until we arrived at Friday Harbor and watch what they did. Then we got the horrible news. This boat wasn’t stopping at Friday Harbor this trip. We weren’t going to find out the answer to our question. So that’s it. Today’s puzzler. If the ferry makes multiple stops, how do they keep the cars they load and unload all facing the same direction? In other news, Alex has been working on a new skill on high bar. It’s a release move above the bar. https://www.facebook.com/lindsay.s.taylor.7/videos/vb.734450013/10159217642700014/?type=2&theater This is a link to Lindsay’s FaceBook page, so I don’t know if it will work for everyone. We’ve left Victoria, and Canada altogether. We’re parked in Edmonds, WA at Andy and Christie’s house. 2017 Summer Trip Map Got there in time for evening waterfront pictures.