
 Didn’t mean to drive back to Glenwood Springs today.  We thought this was going to be a quiet day at Rifle Gap State Park.  Woke up in the early morning light with indigestion though.  I told Judy it was probably from the Chinese Food we had for dinner last night (it was excellent).  We talked a little more about what hurt and how, and she called “bullshit” on my story, found a Urologist in Glenwood and got me an appointment for this afternoon.  She was right (of course).  My indigestion story didn’t hold up.  I’m passing a kidney stone.  No problem though, it has moved quite a ways down the ureter already.  No reason to think I won’t make it the rest of the way through by myself (with the help of some painkillers).  It doesn’t hurt all the time; just when it wants.  No drastic measures needed.  (Now the tiny little 2.2mm kidney stone is the boss of me,) We like it here.  This is our campsite and view.  

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