For the last two months we’ve been living in the bus with ideal temperature control. There are two different thermostats; one for the front one for the back. In fact, there are two completely separate air conditioners. They can each be set for the best temperature in that part of the motorhome. We also have two different heater zones. One heater, but two different zones, controlled by those two separate thermostats. It works great. We get any temperature we want in every room. Now we get back to the big house (actually small by most standards, but 4 times the size of the RV), and it only has one thermostat, located in a short hallway between the living room and the office at the very front. That location provides direct temperature control for the front part of the house, heating and cooling (mostly cooling), but only indirect control for consistent temperature throughout the rest of the house. We can balance the heating or cooling by opening and closing vents around the house, but as outside temperatures change, it changes the way the vents need to be balanced; a challenge to get everything just right. At night we’re trying to control the heat in the bedroom three rooms away from the thermostat. This is probably normal for most houses, but we’re spoiled by how well the motorhome heating and cooling works. So here is my thought: We have one big air conditioner outside that feeds the whole house. It wouldn’t make sense to duplicate that to create a different air conditioning zone in the house. Wouldn’t it be cool though, if we could wire in another thermostat in the bedroom and be able to switch from one thermostat to the other, the front to the back, depending on the time of day and which room we wanted the most direct control over? We could use the front thermostat during the day and the rear thermostat at night. I wonder if that would be possible.