Monday August, 27,

Oh No!

We don’t get much news here in the RV wilderness, just the occasional snippet.  (Part of that is due to the lack of connectivity and part of it is it feels so much better when we don’t look.)  But I saw a headline on my telephone that trump is being ridiculed for saying something; for saying something that I might have said!

Please forgive any factual errors in my recounting, but as I heard it there was a security council meeting and the conversation was about hurricanes.  Suddenly trump announced “I’ve got it.  Hurricanes form off the coast of Africa and come across the Atlantic before they hit us, right?  Wait until it forms, then bomb it.  Blow it up, disorganize it, and it will no longer be a hurricane!”  Or something like that.

Now that’s exactly the kind of thing I could say in a meeting.  On a topic of which I know little, I could challenge the knowledgeable people in the room to explain to me why that was a dumb idea.  The surest way to demonstrate that you really know what you’re talking about is to have to explain what you know to someone else, including answering challenging questions.  I can make sure they’re considering all the alternatives, even the dumb ones; and besides, I think it’s funny.

So maybe the president of the United States is supposed to be more knowledgeable or serious than that.  Or maybe it’s only funny if I say it…

Even when we’re not traveling, just sitting and working all day, this is such a great trip and I love this view when I look up from the desk.

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