Rusty’s RV Ranch

 Our morning desert view. Chricahua Mountains in the background. This is an interesting place, Rusty’s RV Ranch.  It’s a Dark Place.  No security lights.  Rules that ask us not to use any outdoor lights; keep windows covered at night so as not to let any direct light out. A considerate place for astronomers. In fact, look in our neighbor’s yard. That’s some amateur telescope.   We did go off on an Arizona Woodpecker quest today.  Saw a lot of birds.  Got blue-throated hummingbird, acorn woodpecker, ladder-backed woodpecker, Mexican jay, bridled titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, bewick’s wren, western bluebird, hermit thrush, cedar waxwing, painted redstart, green-tailed towhee, spotted towhee, lincoln’s sparrow, brewer’s sparrow, black-throated sparrow, dark-eyed junco, yellow-eyed junco.  No Arizona Woodpecker. Contented ourselves with *many* acorn woodpeckers.   Guess we’ll just have to come back another time… 

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