Thanksgiving at Becky and Brian’s

 Yesterday (Saturday). Our entire branch of the Taylor Clan. The guys.  The gals. Carving the turkey. The dinner.(All that champagne is actually sparkling cider for the kids.) The hosts. Brian and Arie. Taylor and Arie. Tony and Arie. Arie. Arie awake!We think she’s losing that newborn look already. Rags the Cat.  It was a delight visiting with everyone, especially the two older kids who have been away.  Taylor was so excited about her human osteology class, she could barely even tell us about it.  She has an almost complete skeleton from a turn of the century unauthorized cemetery at a Colorado Insane Asylum.  It’s a really interesting set of bones because they’re so distinctive.  She has a very large man with lots of broken bones and signs of wear to provide clues about how old he was, how tall he was, whether he was right or left handed, if he walked normally or with a limp, and all the things that happened to him in his life. The quote of the day however, goes to Tony.  Home from college, at one point (apparently) wandering aimlessly around the house, he was asked to help with something.  He responded that he was busy. “Busy?  Busy with what?” “I’m practicing thinking in Swedish.” You just never know what to expect… 

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