He lived in Colorado and was single. We come find him a few years later in Bath, and he is married and has three kids. We knew he had three kids so we brought presents. His kids are 24, 19, and 15. We brought stuffed animals. Oops. He has a cool old house from the 1800s. The family home. He and his wife Lauri both grew up in Bath. In looking in the barn, we discover that he hasn’t lost his interest in motocross. He has a few bikes. Every nook and cranny of the barn is stuffed with motorcycles. Every nook and cranny Mostly Husqvarna. Some Maicos. Except the upstairs.That’s just parts. How about that trailer outside? Yep. Four bikes rigged to race. Amazing. A few snapshots don’t really do it justice. But we’ve left Bath. We’ve moved on to see Lou and Alma in Moravia. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=201563872774147443355.0004e02f0c80f1461c0bf&msa=0&ll=42.722804,-76.376953&spn=5.447299,13.392334 And on the way there…. …we stopped for lunch with Meredith Small (and her daughter Francesca). …and figured out we hadn’t seen her in 40 years! She was a student at C.U. then. Now she’s a full professor of anthropology at Cornell in Ithaca with a long career behind her. Lou and Alma… …we haven’t seen them in about 2 months. We see them every winter in South Texas.