Wednesday August, 28,

I mean Tuesday.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 9:25 PM

There is a thing here called a tidal grid.  I saw one while we were in Whittier, kind of a wood frame underwater.  I observed it but didn’t recognize what it was.  We spotted another one here in Haines, a wood frame underwater, and the light bulb went on.

Looking down on it from above.

At low tide, it’s completely exposed.

The idea is, you float your boat over the rack at high tide and tie it off to the pilings.

Then as the tide goes out, the boat is in a makeshift dry dock.

You’ve got several hours to work on it before the tide comes back in and floats it again.

Pure practical low-tech.  Brilliant!

The concept works pretty well here in Alaska where there is often a 10 to 12 foot tidal swing every day.  It would be a little harder to implement in South Texas where there is a 1 to 2 foot swing.

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