I take everything out of the car at night


…and into the hotel.  The next morning, I take it all out to the car again and lay out the stuff within reach that I’ll need for the day.  Binoculars.  Camera.  Birding ears (that contraption that lets me hear high pitched noises I can’t otherwise hear).  Portable speaker (for when there is no-one else around to bother, and I’m not in a protected area, to play bird calls).  Granola bars for when I’m not near food or don’t want to stop.  Nuts.  Hat.  A note pad with lists for all the birds I’m looking for that day.  Any empty wrappers.  By the end of each day the front passenger seat looks like a homeless camp.


The Charlton Flat picnic area up on the Angeles Crest Highway was very good to me today.  California Quail.  White-headed Woodpecker.  California Scrub-Jay.  And Wrentit.


A group of three parks in Pasadena in the afternoon yielded Western Bluebird and Band-tailed Pigeon.  A trip to the Parrot Roost at dusk resulted in a couple hundred Red-crowned Parrots (I already have those), but I missed on the Yellow-headed Parrot.


A six-bird day!  Year count 486.


L.A. Basin part of the trip map


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