The palm tree in our yard. Great character.
New fronds, old fronds, spikes, blooms.
These are cabbage palms (Washingtonias). The heart in the center sends new fronds up the middle. The older fronds get pushed out into this globe shape. In the spring the trees send out bloom spikes. The bloom spikes can get a little messy. The trees have to be trimmed periodically or the old dead fronds accumulate and become hazards for the wind to blow down onto people and property. With our smaller palms at Gulf Waters, we trim them lightly every couple months so they always retain their basic shape. There is a crew that works its way through this park once a year. They don’t use a cherry-picker, they actually climb and trim each tree. Once up there, it makes sense to trim a lot, to make the job last as long as possible.
This job should last an entire year.