…with the windshield pointed north so the sun doesn’t come directly in . Whenever possible. It’s not always possible. So then the question is, “What do I do with all that heat inside generated by the sun coming in through that big windshield?” Even on a cool day, the solar gain can be considerable. So I thought, “I know. I can put down the windshield sunscreens!” But the sunscreens are black. Solar collectors are black. That’s the most efficient way to capture solar energy and generate heat. (There are other options for screening the sun, but for the sake of this conversation, let’s just consider these two.) Now I’m wondering, “If I’m trying to cut down on the heat generated by the sun shining in the windshield, is it better to put the sun shades down and cut it off before it gets very far inside, or is it better to leave it alone and let it hit the more neutral colors of the interior of the coach?” What do you think?