Lets say I’m from Mars


I’m observing life on planet Earth and I’m watching coverage of the prosecutions for the January 6th assault on the capitol.  I’m wondering what’s up with that.


For a failed military coup, would we earthlings jail all the offending soldiers and let the generals, the people that ordered them to try to take the capitol, go free?  That wouldn’t make any sense.


In criminal prosecutions, I see an approach that doesn’t just go after the “little fish”, but uses them to go after the “bigger fish”, the ones higher up the food chain, the ones that actually caused the criminal action to happen.  That makes some sense.  Get to the root of the problem.


How is it then, that for the January 6th attack, all the horror, outrage, and prosecutions are directed at the foot-soldiers that carried out the act, and not the people who stayed at a distance, organizing, encouraging, inciting, and essentially ordering the act?


This man from Mars is confused.


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