Working on perspective

Judy and I have had both shots.  We’re told that, having both shots, we’re highly unlikely to catch a serious case of covid, and that we’re highly unlikely to pass a case of covid along to someone else.  We’re cleared to gather in small groups, indoors, with other vaccinated people, without masks.  Otherwise, we should continue to distance and mask.


So I’m wondering, if we’re not going to catch covid, and we’re not likely to pass it along, why do we still need to distance and mask?  My preliminary conclusion is that we’re not at risk, and aren’t putting others at risk, but should continue to model behavior until the covid crisis is over for everyone else as well.  From all appearances, it’s not obvious to strangers that Judy and I have both been fully vaccinated.  If we walk around with no masks hugging people, we might inspire others to do the same, even if it’s not so safe for them.  No problem.  We can continue doing what we’ve been doing for the last year.  As a CPA whose reputation relies on being independent, I’m well familiar with the concept that we need not only to be independent in fact, but just as importantly, appear independent as well.  How it looks, appearance, matters.  I wonder if I’m on the right track.


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