

It has a reputation.  It might be a little independent.  Maybe a little difficult sometimes?  Texas is basically America, but turned up to eleven, right?


Covid crisis?  No problem.  For a while, localities all made up their own rules, but then our governor stepped in, opened up the state, and made it illegal for any local government to institute a mask mandate.  He said Texans didn’t need mandates; they knew what to do and could make their own decisions about responsible behavior.  He got a lot of flack for that, but know something funny?  Our experience in Texas?  For all the places we go, every store has a sign that says please wear a mask.  Inside every store there is almost universal distancing and masking.  Restaurants are still limiting their seating.  The big tables are gone.  Half the chairs are put away.  Mask wearing to get in and out.  Small groups at tables in the open.  Airy.  In our experience, since our Governor overrode every local mandate, businesses and behaviors haven’t changed!


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