Fort stockton

A windy west Texas day. A little difficult driving in the crosswind, and difficult because Interstate 10 is a trucker’s freeway all across the southwest, until Interstate 20 splits off east of Van Horn. More trucks than cars before the split, lots of leapfrogging, hardly a truck to be seen after. We have a favorite KOA in Fort Stockton. It’s always nice to stop here. They do things different in Texas. They’ve got big long roads out there. The speed limit out west? 80 mph. We didn’t drive that fast. What we did do though, is continue driving (about 60) in strong crosswinds. In every other motorhome we’ve had, we’ve pulled over when driving in the wind felt dangerous. I’m sure that could still happen with this one, but I think we’ve already driven through conditions that would have stopped us before. Meanwhile, we’re watching the weather reports about the Denver area, buried in a blizzard. It’s currently snowing at the rate of 2 inches per hour, with 40 mph winds. It’s supposed to continue through the night and all day tomorrow. All the interstates are closed. The airport is closed. Colorado is basically closed. The Christmas blizzard of 2006. Tomorrow… Lost Maples State Park outside San Antonio. That’s the place we finally got the green kingfisher a couple years ago.

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