A 700 day streak


I’m not studying Spanish.  I’m playing a computer game.  Every week, in this game, we get split into groups of 30 and earn points by doing simple Spanish lessons of our choosing.  We get points for consecutive-day streaks.  That’s where I am now; a 700 day streak.  We never have to study because it doesn’t matter if we learn any Spanish or not; we’re just playing a game for points, and at the end of each week the five players with the most points get promoted to the next level, and the five players with the least points get demoted.  (I’ve had a lot of promotions and not many demotions.)


But after almost two years of playing this game in Spanish, one would think I would have absorbed a little by now, pero no.  No aprendo nada.  Yo no conozco nada!  De verdad!







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