We know the survivors have to deal with the destruction every day, and our hearts go out to them. We contribute to the recovery, but not by going there and seeing it first-hand. It’s just not something we want to do. A few weeks ago we were in Corpus and drove out the beach to see a particular gull (lesser black-backed) that was there. We went as far as that decaying billboard I send out pictures of occasionally over the years.
It’s still there! I thought for sure the hurricane would blow down the last of it. I suppose it doesn’t provide much wind resistance anymore though. I guess the rust will have to get it in the end. Countdown:Birds: 1CPE hours: 6 I’m giving myself tomorrow off for my birthday! There has been a tropical parula in the neighborhood and we need that bird for the year. We still don’t know which countdown number will go to zero first.