Four states in two hours. In leaving Virginia, we passed through bits of West Virginia and Maryland, before crossing into Pennsylvania. 2017 summer trip map Across the Mason Dixon Line, we’re well into the North now. We don’t really know much about the Mason Dixon Line. I’m familiar with reference to it as a rough delineation between The North and The South. I like the song James Taylor sings about it. We decided to Google it. According to Wikipedia, the survey for that Line was commissioned in 1763 to settle border disputes between Colonial Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. It still serves as a line of demarcation between those states, as well as West Virginia, which seceded from the Confederate State of Virginia in 1861, to remain loyal to The Union. Rolling right along, stopping at KOA Campgrounds each night, we found another wonderful one. I took this last photo because the flowers smelled so good.