The life-list is slow to grow. We still keep the life list, but every January we start a new year-list. It’s a lot easier to get year-birds than it is life-birds. Every bird we see today is a new bird! We expect to see about 400 species each year. The count often falls a little below that, as it did again this year. We finished with 380. Our North American life list is at 587. Our friend Jon did a Big Texas year. He got all the birds he could without leaving the state. His goal was 500 species, and he finished at 500 exactly! That’s quite an accomplishment. With all the traveling we do, we get 400 or so each year. He got 500 in one state! So here we go again. It was a cold drizzly day today. Judy and I birded mostly from the car. We got 57 birds, including a vermilion flycatcher looking like a Christmas ornament, a perfectly camouflaged common pauraque, a pack of preening plain chachalacas, a ring-necked duck, wilson’s snipe, anhinga the snake-bird, and sandhill cranes in a cow pasture.
Only 343 birds to go!