Anzalduas Park


Anzalduas Park

… is open again!


It closed in March of last year due to Covid.


But when other places, other parks, started opening again, Anzalduas remained closed.  Without explanation.  There was plenty of activity there, but it was all Border Patrol and military.  Didn’t know if we’d ever get that park back.  For a year we’ve been checking on it every month or two and getting turned around.  Delighted to get to walk there again.


It’s located on a bend in the river; just south of the border and north of the border at the same time.,-98.3321546,1875m/data=!3m1!1e3




Majestic oaks.


And this tree, this honey mesquite, the epitome of determination.  Blown over, completely on its side, the branches forming new crowns.


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