Are we still the good guys?


There is an acid test we apply when making decisions at work: “How would I feel about describing this from a witness stand?”  It’s not that we ever expect to be on a witness stand, it’s just a good reminder that when making difficult decisions we should never let self-interest or shortcuts get in the way of our ethics.  Do the right thing.  Only act in ways that would make us proud to recount.


I find myself wondering, shouldn’t the same consideration apply to foreign policy; to our conduct on the world stage?  With reports of the recent abandonment of our partners-in-war Kurdish allies, extortion of a foreign government, and now the assassination of a foreign leader, there is reason for concern.  Would we as a country survive the witness-stand test; not by spinning the facts or presenting partial truths, but from an honest accounting of the facts known and decisions made?  Are we still the good guys?


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