The other great horned owl standing on the wire in the foliage is also visible…
When we were picking up our rental car in California, we got to walk down the row and select any one we wanted. We got the Kia Soul.
It carried all our stuff and got us off the beaten path when we needed, but also was small enough to get around the tight streets of Belmont Shore, without feeling like it was the size of a bowling ball. We liked it a lot. Also, while we were in the neighborhood, we stopped by the Seal Beach house, 222 13th Street.
It is still there and holding up well. We moved from there when I was eight. As I recall, the living room is the first room on the right, the dining room, then the kitchen and back door are behind that. Mom and Dad’s bedroom is the first room on the left, with the bathroom and David and my’s room behind that. Bill and Tom’s room was between the rear bedroom and the kitchen. As we were driving down the Pacific Coast Highway past Seal Beach, I also recalled when it was only developed on one side of the road. To get across to the undeveloped side, and the “Trees”, required waiting for a break in traffic, then running across the road. I remember being surprised by how soon the distant approaching traffic got there and how fast I had to run to make it across. It was not like crossing a little city street at all! I can’t imagine Mom or Dad being pleased if they knew that at eight years old, I was crossing that highway by myself. Countdown:Birds: 1CPE: 31