
It keeps getting better.

We had to move the Glenwood Springs job back two days so we could attend a nonprofit conference in Grand Junction as a vendor. It’s a western slope conference, with 150 nonprofit organizations attending. We’ll have a booth with all sorts of handout information and pictures of Annie. Judy will talk to people, and I’ll be there if she needs me. It’ll be great fun.

Then we got our response on the Leadville job, so we put it in the week before Glenwood.

I can’t stand it anymore. We keep moving the leaving date up in the calendar for this audit loop. I’m blowing the pink stuff out of the lines on Saturday. Motorhome is coming out of retirement and getting ready to go.


I took the day off work today. For my eyes.
I’ve noticed my vision deteriorating. I figured out that it was only in my right eye. I got an appointment with the optometrist.

Turns out I’m going farsighted in my right eye. Two clicks in two years. The optometrist put it in perspective. She says most people wouldn’t have noticed the difference and would love to have my vision. I’m so used to “hawk” vision, it seems like a big deal to me.

Whew! Nice to get that evaluation. No signs of glaucoma. No signs of cataracts. I even got a prescription to restore my vision to its previous condition, with glasses, if I want.

Winged migration

I’m having trouble with arctic terns.
I’ve been watching winged migration. I understand bird migrations…. kind of. You winter where it’s warm. Then you fly north, for some reason, to breed. Then you fly back down south to get warm again for the winter.

Why not just stay where it’s warm? Predators? Food? I don’t know.

Birds fly thousands of miles. Really energetic ones fly six or seven thousand miles. But the arctic tern? It migrates twelve thousand miles. Twelve thousand miles!

The circumference of the earth is twenty-five thousand miles. That means pole-to-pole, it’s twelve and a half thousand miles.

The arctic tern. It summers in the Arctic, then flies to the Antarctic for the winter?

I don’t get it.