Wireless internet

Progress on the mobile internet hookup. The cell phone to laptop hookup is convenient because I can do it right from the motorhome, but it is painfully slow. I can send and receive email, but it is too slow to look up anything on the web.
Verizon has a high speed wireless data cell phone service. It’s not really high-speed like a DSL line, but high speed compared to other wireless connections. They’re opening up this service state-by-state. They had it in Texas last year, but not Colorado, and you can only sign up for it if it’s offered in your home area.

Now they offer it in Colorado. Judy got us signed up for it. I tested it yesterday and it works. It was at least as fast as our home dial-up service. Jamie even transferred a client file to me and it only took four minutes to download. I can work with that.


I’m changing my opinion. I’m taking a stand.
I just watched “No such thing” again. It is generally regarded as one of the worst movies ever made.

I disagree. It is not a bad movie. It is a misunderstood masterpiece.

Now my favorite movie.


No racquetball news to report. I suffered a separated shoulder in a collision a couple weeks ago. It interferes with my game.
I laid off racquetball for five straight days and that helped. I think the month off to recuperate in January will be a good thing.


After a week of being buried beneath snow, the trains are running again. It has been sunny every day, but below freezing, so the snow pack hasn’t changed until now. Suddenly we got a sunny fifty degree day. The tracks went from icy to dry. Suddenly everything works.