
Speaking of work, I’m in the midst of a minor catastrophe. Did I mention that we’re moving? We’ve churned about that for about six months now, and ended up moving down one floor in the same building. We’ve signed a five-year lease, and they’ve just finished the build out. The wall have been cabled. The carpet has been laid. Here’s the problem: The carpet has been laid.

Something I said, meant to instigate conversation, was taken seriously. I was out of town. The carpet got laid. Red.
Now we’re trying to figure out what to do about it. It’s going to cost thousands to replace. Guess it’s the price I pay for being me.


Thirty hours into the water only fast. It’s getting more comfortable already.

My experience with food in the Army was that if you don’t eat anything at all, the whole digestive process and hunger machine shuts down pretty quickly.

I’m still stunned by David’s ten day fast. A fast that includes just a little bit of food keeps the hunger alive. Ten days of hunger? Now that sounds tough.