We’re home. Got home last night. Calm drive. Exciting time. More to follow.
On the road again. Finishing up tonight. Out first thing tomorrow morning.
One of our tomato plants committed suicide while we were gone. It used to be chest high, well above the rack, like the other ones. It’s the Roma pasta tomato plant. It grew so many tomatoes all in one cluster, that it collapsed under its own weight. The cluster of tomatoes is now on the ground.
I never considered that being a tomato plant could be so stressful.
I never considered that being a tomato plant could be so stressful.
I just want to mention that the tone of the conversation around our house has changed considerably. Judy is no longer telling me to get over it.
I have been hearing the phrase “suck it up” a lot, however.
I have been hearing the phrase “suck it up” a lot, however.