We went off on a medical adventure Friday night. I took Judy in to National
Jewish Hospital for an overnight sleep study. Judy got all the attention. I got a cot. But Judy can be a little
claustrophobic. Actually she has to be claustrophobic. She doesn’t have
any control over it. She was supposed to get an MRI before her shoulder
surgery but even with the sedative beforehand, freaked out from inside the
machine. Friday night they hooked up electrodes to her legs, to her head, and to her
face. Then they put straps around her abdomen and chest. Know that look a
cat gets just before it erupts in a giant furry explosion? I could see it
in her eyes. They still had stuff to put over her nose and mouth and
something heavy to put on her chest when she called the whole thing off. We
checked out by midnight, drove home, and got to sleep in our own bed. Guess we’re sleeping well enough.
The weather report just announced that we went 132 consecutive hours
sub-freezing. We spent four hours above freezing today. The forecast is for sixty degrees by the end of next week. Sounds like good
decorating weather to me.