Let the demolition begin (again)

The cabinets in the dining area are all already down.  Time for the kitchen cabinets and counter to also go.

They look pretty good from a distance, but they’re not really in very good shape.  From the kitchen and dining area together, there were forty-four doors and drawers for us to empty, and by “us” of course I mean Judy.

But I did help get the stuff she couldn’t reach down to where she could reach it.  Because that’s just the kind of guy I am.

A crew of two this afternoon taking it all apart.

And this close to done by the end of the day.

Tomorrow the floor comes up to repair the remaining water damage.

We are staying out of the way as much as possible; monitoring progress and discussing issues while we try to leave them space at the same time.  So far, the workers leave the house habitable for us when they leave at the end of each workday.  Judy and I go back over there to spend the evening in our own house and to sleep in our own bed.  But with the progress and modifications that have been made, careful planning is involved.  There is a toilet but no shower in the front bathroom.  There is a shower, but no toilet in the back bathroom.  Timing is everything.


The living room is mostly done.  We get the weekend off.  Monday morning though, they’re going to tear out the kitchen counter and cabinets so they can repair the floor underneath.  No more morning coffee on this side of the street!

Rats and Mice

The rats and mice in our neighborhood stand falsely accused.  Upon further inspection, and some demolition, it has become clear that it was not the little varmints that chewed through our water line and caused all that damage, it was the big varmint.  The possum did it!  Who knew possums would eat water lines, and other kinds of plastic as well?  He got up through the sub-floor from under the house and tried to eat through the bottom of our garden tub, which we took out because we’re not using it and would rather have the floor space in the back bathroom.

The crew is making good progress on the floor.  Vinyl planking.  Snap together.

The front office.

We’ve gone with a lighter color; keep it bright inside.  It feels a little more modern.

In the meantime, we’re staying as much as we need to in a little park model known as the “casita” right around the corner from us.

We try to stay out of the house during the day to keep out of everybody’s way as much as possible.  So far, we can still sleep in the house if we want, and make coffee in the morning.  On Monday they’re going to take out another counter and disable the kitchen sink though, so we might be here in the casita a lot more after that.