He got named the starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos this week. Maybe he’s what the ailing Broncos need. Their defense is playing well enough, but the defense is on the field for about two thirds of every game while the offense goes three and out, or turns the ball over. The team could use a little bit of offense. We had Osweiler before. A 2012 high draft choice, he studied under Peyton Manning for three years. He stood in for Manning while Manning was out for injury during the 2015 Super Bowl season and the team won five out of those seven games. Instead of taking over for Manning in 2016 though, Osweiler went for big money in Houston. He flopped there and he and his contract got traded to the Browns, who ended up cutting him. The Broncos took him back just before the start of this season to pace the sidelines carrying a clipboard again. He has had every experience he needs to now be a seasoned mature quarterback. He had success with a good Broncos team. He disappointed the next team he played for, and got cut by the next team after that. He shouldn’t come in for the Broncos and play like a rookie. He should lead the offense back to respectability. This is his opportunity.