I read up on my cruise control glitch. Jeep isn’t the only one. All the car companies; Chrysler, Tesla, Volvo, every manufacturer that offers adaptive cruise control, have the same problem. Carmakers have to program their adaptive cruise control to not be sensitive to stationary objects. Otherwise cars would brake for every stationary object ahead. Imagine a car going around a long gradual turn, braking for every power pole, sign post, fence post, and mailbox that appeared to be in its path. Adaptive cruise control is a giant improvement over fixed cruise control (or no cruise control at all), but cars can never be fully autonomous with the radar technology they use today. They’ll need to use the next generation of imaging technology, which is called Lydar. Lydar uses lasers to create 3D images to allow completely autonomous driving, but it’s a young technology and still too expensive to put into mass produced cars.
So in the meantime, we get semiautonomous adaptive cruise control that works great in most situations, but you still have to pay attention.