Day 3


What a difference a day makes.


At the hospital they pushed more and more Percoset.  Two every four hours.  Judy was barely conscious by the time we left.  Last night and today, two Percosets spread out over the first 24 hours.  She still needs some pain relief, but not nearly as much as she was getting.


From the slow-motion escort of her every move, suddenly she’s up and around (with the walker) going room to room unassisted.  Her first taste of regaining physical freedom.  She had her first appointment with the physical therapist today.  The PT put her through all the rehab exercises then announced that Judy was doing better on Day 3 than anyone she has ever worked with (over a 7-year period).  That’s encouraging!


We (and by “we” I mean Judy) will be dealing with pain and swelling for weeks, but it’s a good day today.


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