When we’re spelling a word to someone and want to be sure they get every letter right, we use words to represent each letter so it’s all perfectly clear. If we want to spell the word “bat” and make sure the listener knows the exact word, we spell it “Bravo, Alpha, Tango”. That’s it. No question. But when we’re reciting numbers to someone, say over the phone and we don’t have the greatest connection, to make the numbers we’re saying perfectly clear, all we can do is say each number slower, or louder, over and over until we think they’ve got it. We don’t get any phonetic tool like the one that gets us clarity with letters. We’re almost through with our end-run around the wildfires in British Columbia, to rejoin our leisurely trip at Vancouver. We’re at Moses Lake, Washington. 2017 summer trip map Nice park to walk in nearby. Nice lake. The RV Park is crowded and full, but no problem. It’s not our destination, only an overnight.