“You are not alone.”
I was shocked when I saw that billboard in Corpus Christi. Against the deluge of edifices, spires, crosses, television, radio, and religious billboards; one lone voice. One lone billboard. One lone statement. I recognize their point. Religious people all have a reason to get together and celebrate their faith. The people that don’t share that faith are not a group; they’re just people; people not subscribing to a particular belief. Who gets together to celebrate that? By not having a group and not getting together to celebrate that fact, we who are not religious are just individuals going about our lives without that common point of recognition. We’re not campaigning for something or against something, we just don’t happen to have a belief. With all of the conspicuous religion around us, we don’t see any obvious signs that we’re not alone in not subscribing to something that so many people so obviously do. Nice surprise. Nice reminder. I am not alone.