Driving south


We merged on to Highway 59 right behind a wide load.  (Thank you to the person who made space for us.)  A wide load going through a construction detour.  There wasn’t much room.  We stayed behind for 20 minutes.  Traffic had to come to a standstill when it was time for them to make their turn onto a side road.  Judy got a number and called the pilot car company from the car in the rear.  She told them what a wonderful professional job the three-vehicle procession did.  They had to take up both lanes almost the entire time.  Lots of twists and turns and barriers on the sides, but they kept up a respectable speed, blocked traffic when it wasn’t safe for anyone to pass, and made as much room as they could if there was an occasion for anyone to get by.


After a few minutes of conversation, the guy on the other end of the call said “Ma’am, it’s the god’s honest truth, in all the time we’ve been doing this, you are the first person to ever call and tell us we did a good job.  I’m tearing up right now just talking to you.”  Judy, and her sense of justice, feels if we’re willing to call and complain, we should be just as willing to call and compliment.


Later, we drove behind a delivery van with advertising on the outside maintaining that it was carrying a load of Liquid Death.  That, we had to google.  Turns out Liquid Death is canned water (it’s meant to murder thirst), it has a cool logo, it’s not deadly, and their website claims it is completely unnecessary.  It’s expensive though, and is available at Whole Foods.


We’re at Padre Island.  We like Mustang Island State Park, and it is a handy location, but the state park only has electric and water hookups.  We can carry a lot of fresh water, a hundred gallons, but it’s a stretch to live on that amount for an entire week.  We checked in at Padre Balli RV Park.


April migration trip map



No new birds today.


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