Last night’s camp at Paul B. Johnson State Park. It only cost us $14 per night. Got to love Mississippi State Parks. It was such a nice 50’ back-in with full hookups, 50 amps, and a great view. It was hard to leave. But leave we did… This is the road out of the park.
This place is so cool, the road in and out goes through water. The lake is at a constant level and the spillway goes right over the road!
So we get back on Interstate 59 and head north. Past Laurel and Meridian, Mississippi. Through the forest; longleaf pines and hardwoods. Magnolias and Crape Myrtles planted in the median; blooming. We cross over into Alabama and settle on Deerlick Creek Park Campground, a Corps of Engineers park outside Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This place is amazing. We got a 165’ level paved pull-through with 50 amp electric in the middle of the forest right above the lake.
Army Corps of Engineers campground. $11 per night!,-81.430664&spn=23.476512,53.569336 Tomorrow, Tennessee (by way of the top left corner of Georgia).