That’s it for our summertime travels. We’re back in Colorado for the month of September with our kids and grandkids.
We got back to Colorado a little early; four days before our campground reservations. No problem. Our first night back, last night, we spent at St Vrain State Park, but they’re full after that. Today we moved to the Boulder County Fairgrounds for two nights. The accommodations aren’t fancy, but they had a spot for us, and it’s close to Becky’s house in Erie.
It’s a different kind of neighborhood here. We hear whinnies from the horses in the pens across the road. There is an Appaloosa Show tomorrow. Our closest neighbor tonight is a horse trailer. It’s empty. They parked the horse across the street. There is a path to and around Fairgrounds Pond. That path connects to the St Vrain Parkway, a trail up and down the St Vrain River greenbelt. Those paths connect to the Front Range network, probably a hundred miles of paths. More than I can explore in my hour a day walks. Sunday we move to Chatfield State Park by Matt.