Happy Birthday

Judy. You know the drill.  I get to be nice to her all day.  (Oops, I mean I *have* to be nice to her all day.)  We spent most of the day together; did all the errands together.  We stopped for lunch at a Mexican food joint by the side of the road we’ve been meaning to stop at.  (I don’t think it would qualify to call it a “restaurant”).  We fought our way though the menu and ordered, even though the menu wasn’t written down anywhere and was delivered entirely verbally and in Spanish with no English clues.  Our server was very patient with us.  It was a lovely lunch and we almost got what we thought we ordered. The house is now decorated with Christmas lights (Judy did most of that part, but I helped with anything heavy or high). Just a few more hours and we can go back to the way things usually are.  

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