I always have one. The bird I’m most anxious to find next. I haven’t had one since we got the Arizona Woodpecker (in Arizona) though; and before that the Swallow-tailed Kite up by Houston. I don’t pick them, they pick me, and the next bird hasn’t come forward yet. Maybe I’ll make a list of all the U.S. birds we haven’t seen and see if one pops out. I sure hope it’s something I have a good chance of finding in the next year or so. Mountain Quail could be a good candidate. They’re in Northern California on up through Oregon (in the mountainous parts). They’re the only quail left for us to get. I hope it’s not a Great Gray Owl. They live in the way north. They like cold weather. I don’t want to have to go to Montana or Minnesota in January. (Judy suggests that would likely be a trip I make alone…) I hope it’s not something as rare as a Key West Quail-dove. They’re only in South Florida, and only once in a while. There aren’t many lifers left for us in Texas. We’ll probably have to do some traveling. I hope one picks me soon though. Some things you just want to know.