I wonder about the guy in jail


The guy who sits in jail now, having killed George Floyd.  I know his name, but I’m not saying it here because the current conversation should be about George Floyd, not him.


But what does he think about what he’s done?  Is he surprised at the worldwide outrage he triggered?  Is he proud?  Ashamed?  Defiant.  Scared?  Does he rationalize and defend his actions, or is there a life-lesson in this for him?  Maybe he deflects and says this wasn’t about race, but that he was just doing his job, or protecting the community, and George Floyd just happened to be black.  Is he embarrassed?  Does he see the protests as a repudiation, or as proving his point?  Does he have a point, or was he just acting thoughtlessly with no consideration of consequences?


So many possibilities, but the first thing we hear from him will likely be “Not guilty”.



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