We didn’t like it much when Reagan was president. Tax cuts for the wealthy. Trickle down. A rising tide lifts all boats…. Big deficits. I don’t think we noticed much about George Bush, the elder. Nothing really stands out. We liked it when Bill Clinton was president. We had budget surpluses for his last four years. All we had to do is not screw it up. He couldn’t keep his dick in his pants, but that wasn’t a big deal to us, we had peace and prosperity. Others couldn’t wait to get rid of him and were thrilled when Bush got elected. Now we could have someone “responsible” leading our country. We hated it when “W” got elected. We didn’t think he was very smart, but hoped he would be smart enough to surround himself with smart people. I think he did, but that still didn’t work out so well. He and his big-money cronies kind of wrecked everything. Wall Street gone wild. Tax cuts for the wealthy. Trickle down. A rising tide lifts all boats…. Oh well, we survived. Obama got elected and we were thrilled again. He inherited a fiscal disaster, but we thought he could turn it around. He did get it headed back the right direction, but not all the way back to budget surpluses. Meanwhile, slogans appeared like “Our country will never be the same again.” So many people hate Obama, they can’t wait for him to be gone. Oh well, they survived. Now there is another election. We think another eight years of progress under a democratic administration will have the economy sorted out again. We’re concerned a republican will get elected and they’ll have their way with the economy and give it all way to their friends again. Republicans are afraid another democratic administration will wreck the country even more than the last eight years did. The election will finally happen. About half of us will be relieved and the other half will hate it. Oh well. Either way, we’ll survive and so will all the people who think they won’t.