I read a philosophical saying: “To me this cup is already broken. Because I know its fate, I can enjoy it fully here and now. And when it’s gone, it’s gone.”
The longer version: “For me this glass is already broken. I enjoy it; I drink out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring to it. But when I put this glass on the shelf and the wind knocks it over or my elbow brushes it off the table and it falls to the ground and shatters, I say, ‘Of course.’ When I understand that the glass is already broken, every moment with it is precious. Every moment is just as it is, and nothing need be otherwise.”
That’s a Buddhist thing. Impermanence. Consider the things we’re afraid of losing as already gone, because in the end they all will be, and just enjoy them while we can. Don’t agonize about what might happen and let that distract you from enjoying what you have.
All these years later I realize that that is exactly how we handled our Christmas lights and decorations when we used to put up so many. People would ask if we were worried about breakage, about vandalism. Our answer was always “No”. We knew there would be breakage, and possibly vandalism. If anything broke or disappeared, we already expected and accepted that. There was no stress or disappointment. We replaced anything we needed to, and it was never much, to make the display complete again and it was there for everyone to enjoy.
Who knew we were mirroring a Buddhist philosophy? Certainly not us!