That’s the first time this trip. We’ve been enjoying the afternoon showers. The rain has been a real treat for us. It has been 14 days. Time to get the stitches out of my back. What to do about that? The last time Judy needed stitches taken out of her thumb while we were on the road, she called a local doctor’s office and they wanted a full office visit and examination before they would take out the stitches. That felt like extortion. Annie had a vet appointment, so Judy asked the vet while she was there and the vet just popped them out gratis. Professional courtesy. So what about my stitches? Call a doctor’s office? Call a veterinarian? Maybe Judy could take them out. I can’t see the middle of my back, so I can’t take them out myself. Wait a minute! We’re here visiting John and Ronnie. John is a Marine. He’s done several tours. He’s played rugby. He’s seen plenty of stitches. We’ll get John to do it.
John had a toolbox full of tools for the job. Ronnie held the flashlight and served as spotter. She has the best eyes of the bunch. Altogether we found 7 stitches. It was an entertaining process for all concerned. I didn’t get any full-family pictures, but here are John and Ronnie in the kitchen.
With Evelyn and Annie and Brees (sp?).
We played in the yard with daughters Mae and Ellie (they have a zipline), but they went unphotographed by me. Here is the house and yard though.