It seems like it was just yesterday.

 I was remarking on my child bride turning 60.  Now all of a sudden, she’s 65.  Happy Birthday Judy! What to do for her birthday?  We decided to spend it together. Last week we went in search of Fahrenheits.  Didn’t find a lot of them, but there were way more in the southern desert than there were in Colorado.  Today we decided to go in search of humidity.  We’ve been in the teens and twenties for weeks. We left Rodeo, NM and headed east for an easy day.  Stopped in Las Cruces and set up early enough to watch the Broncos win.,-102.392578&spn=13.070765,26.784668 Didn’t find any more humidity though.  We’ll try again tomorrow.  Meanwhile, we found this turtle in the desert. The dogs said we could keep it. 

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