It’s hot in Central Texas

A hundred degrees.

North through Glen Rose, Granbury, Weatherford, Decatur, and Bowie.  West from there through Seymour, Benjamin, Quanah, and Childress.

Driveabout trip map

Backroads and byways, rural roads winding past farm fields and ranchland.  Livestock and cattle egrets.  The little Mazda3 is no RX-7, but even as a hatchback it’s tight on the road.  It doesn’t care about speed advisories on highway corners.  A 75mph road with 55mph corners?  No problem.  That’s just a 75mph road.

Walked in a couple parks.

Mississippi Kite.

Saw a number of new counties today as well.



It’s hot here at the edge of the Panhandle too.  108 today.

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