There are caverns here at the State Park, but we’re doing our exploring above-ground this trip. A cool blustery day today, but we drove to Patagonia for the Paton Preserve for Hummingbirds and the Nature Conservancy Preserve anyway. used to be the Paton House. For many years they fed the birds every day and invited strangers to stop and enjoy the spectacle. In their memory, Tucson Audubon is continuing the tradition. Even with the wind, there were lots of birds.The nature conservancy preserve was good as well. Altogether we saw three hummingbirds, Anna’s, broad-billed, and violet crowned. Here’s the Anna’s:There is a Creekside trail lined with old cottonwoods at The Nature Conservancy preserve. Fremont Cottonwoods grow fast and age fast. This old fallen down one shows how big they get, even out here in the high desert!