Kingfishers are birds that fish. They perch at the edge of a stream, canal, or lake, and crash dive onto unsuspecting minnows. There are three kingfishers native to the U.S. One of them, the Belted Kingfisher is ubiquitous; it lives all over North America. The other two, the Ringed and Green Kingfishers are only found way south in the U.S. Kingfishers can be a little spooky, so I don’t get very close to them for photos. Here is a Ringed Kingfisher, the largest of the three, from a great distance, coming in for a landing.
And here he is a few minutes later, carrying off his prize from a successful crash-dive from that perch he was just on.
I could blow the pictures up more so you could get a better look at him, but they’d just get all grainy: