Lake Texana Park

 We need one more bird.  It doesn’t seem to be happening in the Valley, so we loaded up the motorhome and headed north.  We have a plan.  We’ll drive around until we find one more bird. December 2017 Trip Map Here is what the park looks like on google earth.  Lake Texana Park Love this park.  We got here in time to take a nice long walk around it.  We saw canvasback ducks, black vultures, a red-shouldered hawk, a red-bellied woodpecker, a Carolina chickadee, and a Carolina wren. Nothing new for the year. Henry saw an armadillo. The armadillo snuffled around in the grass and dirt Until he saw Henry.  Then he galloped off.  Really.  That’s a full-on armadillo gallop. Countdown:Birds:              1CPE hours:      1 Almost there.  For both. 

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