
Before Judy went off the deep end, we were having a perfectly sane conversation about how we do what we do. We had a great time packing up the motorhome, driving up to Monte Vista, meeting a new client, taking three days to do a job, and driving home. The client was thrilled. They don’t get much attention in Monte Vista. I really enjoy what I do.
Usually, the road conversation turns to “when can we retire, then we could full time in the motorhome.” This time the conversation turned to “let’s go full time in the motorhome, work in remote Colorado towns together, work maybe half-time, and I can take as long as I want to retire. That works.

But then Judy took off on a tangent about “Sell the house now. Buy the new motorhome now. Work as long as we want, and just put everything we make into the bank so we can always just do what we want.”

I like the part about redesigning how we do what we do. I can deal with changing things at work. I tell the staff I plan on being on the road six months, or maybe twelve months a year. I give them the option of stepping up to do what I do and I hire all the help they need, or I hire someone to step right in and do what I do in Denver while I go off and audit small nonprofits all over the state. I still own the company. I still have the support staff in Denver. They can do all the scheduling and preparation work. I send the completed fieldwork back to Denver for quality control and copy/binding. I don’t have to have all the equipment on the road with me. I like it. It lets me continue to do what I do, but at a much more relaxed pace.

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