Interstate 59 north through Birmingham. Into Georgia. Into Tennesseee. Through Chattanooga. Through Knoxville. 350 miles. Seemed like a long day; lots of city driving. Probably nothing like it’s going to be on the east coast when we get there though. Couldn’t find a state park or Corps of Engineers park we wanted to stay at. Stayed at a commercial park instead. Two Rivers Landing RV Resort. Crape Myrtles in bloom.
Right on the river.,-81.430664&spn=23.476512,53.569336 Sat in the front yard after dark by the river and watched the fireflies. Here is a picture of our states map; all the states Judy and I have been to together. (We’ve been to Hawaii, just not in the motorhome.) We’ve been working on this map for 20 years!
14 states we haven’t been to. We mean to do some damage to the states map this trip. Tomorrow, West Virginia. Two new states!